How Do I Treat Gum Disease?

12:00 PM

Although gum disease is an entirely preventable, it is a chronic oral health problem affecting countless adults. While there a number of available treatments, long-term care is often dependent on how far the disease has progressed.

Gum Disease Prevention
Ideally, prevention is the best method of protecting dentitions from gum disease. Effective prevention requires the establishment and maintenance of a thorough oral care routine at-home. Effective at-home oral hygiene routines should include brushing your teeth after each meal as well as flossing at least once a day.

Gum disease prevention should also include regular visits to your dentist’s office at least twice a year. During these appointments, tartar build up is removed and your smile is thoroughly examined for any changes that could indicate the development of gum disease.

Treatments for Gum Disease
Without treatment, gingivitis can quickly progress into more serious advanced periodontitis, leading to irreversible damage. However, with good professional treatment, it's possible to prevent symptoms from getting worse. If implemented during the initial stages, the following treatments can help prevent more serious consequences.

Root planing and scaling: Often used in conjunction, these treatments remove tartar from the teeth and prevent future accumulation of plaque and tartar. Scaling removes tartar from the teeth and below the gum line, while root planing is a process that smooths the roots of teeth to reduce the ability of bacteria to attach to the roots.

Antibiotic treatment: Your dentist may prescribe antibiotic mouthwashes such as chlorhexidine to control oral bacterial growth. Another treatment involves inserting antibiotics into the periodontal pockets or below the gum line to kill bacteria and prevent further damage to the tissues.

Advanced treatments: In severe cases of periodontal disease, advanced surgical treatments such as grafts of bone and soft tissue can help restore health and function while removing bacteria from the dentition. Another kind of surgery, called flap surgery, restructures the gums to reduce the size of infected pockets.

If you have gum disease, it's important to understand that this is a chronic disease that requires life-long maintenance. Without the right treatment or the development of a long-term maintenance plan, patients risk recurring disease as well as advanced progression. At our Bonney Lake dental office, our Light Dental Studios dentists are committed to restore health to our patient’s smiles through periodontal prevention, treatment, and maintenance. For more information about gum disease therapy in Bonney Lake, contact Light Dental Studios today.  

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